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SELPAXT White Paper

SELPAXT White Paper

SELPAXT PFAS Removal Technology – Technical Insight (14 pages)


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent chemicals posing significant environmental and health risks due to their resistance to natural degradation. Chromafora has developed SELPAXT, an advanced water treatment technology, utilizing the proprietary and patent-pending Surfactant-Ligand Assisted Membrane Filtration (SAMF) technique, to effectively remove PFAS from contaminated water.

The SELPAXT technology offers a groundbreaking solution for the treatment of PFAS-contaminated water, addressing both long and short-chain PFAS with exceptional efficiency and consistency. By leveraging the SAMF technology, SELPAXT units achieve high removal rates, automatic regeneration, reduced waste volumes, and robust performance across diverse applications. The adaptability of SELPAXT to various water matrices, combined with its scalability and reliability, makes it a valuable tool in combating PFAS pollution globally. Main benefits of SELPAXT:

  • High and consistent removal rates for both short- and long-chain PFAS.
  • Low sensitivity to co-contaminants in complex water matrices.
  • Automatic regeneration and continuous chemical supply for sustained efficacy.
  • Low energy consumption and reduced waste volume.
  • Versatility and scalability for various applications, from landfills to industrial sites.

Become a partner

We are looking for partners to bring SELPAXT to the world. If you are interested in our technology and want to collaborate with us, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Test your water

All water streams are different, and we always test your water at our lab before suggesting the best solution to remove PFAS from your water. Contact us for more information.